Roebourne Court House

Hampton Street Roebourne Australia



The Roebourne Court House is a fascinating historical building which is over 100 years old. You can visit when court is not in session and see how the old building has been restored to original condition. It was constructed of local bluestone (ironstone) in 1887 and was restored in 1977. The building is still used every day for court work. Learn about the history of Roebourne and how it was once an important administrative centre. Visit Roebourne’s other historic buildings including the Holy Trinity Church (1894), Union Bank (1889), Victoria Hotel (1866) and the other stone buildings constructed in 1887 which include the Post Office, Hospital, and the Old Gaol which now houses the Roebourne Museum. Take the Emma Withnell Historical Trail, a 52 kilometre driving and walk route that starts at Roebourne and takes in Cossack, Wickham and Point Samson. The Court House is included in the trail, and will give you a good feel for the past history of the region. Roebourne is a half hour drive east of Karratha.
