Ned's Beach
Ned's Beach Lord Howe Island Australia
Ned's Beach Sanctuary Zone offers a unique opportunity to view an amazing diversity of coral, fish and marine life close to shore. This special purpose zone allows visitors to view and experience hand feeding fish. Be part of a favourite Lord Howe ritual and help feed eager mullet, wrasse, garfish, silver drummer, spangled emperor and metre-long kingfish. To help keep marine life healthy, a fish food dispenser is located at the Ned's Beach shelter allowing visitors to access a handful of healthy fish food. The golden sands of Ned's Beach lead into calm waters ideal for kids, who can paddle at the edge or snorkel above a colourful kaleidoscope of fish and corals. Masks, fins and snorkels are stored at Ned's Beach for the cost of a contribution to the 'honesty box', in a testament to times past.