Braidwood Festival and Airing of the Quilt

Wallace Street Braidwood Australia



Annually, the fourth weekend in November sees the Festival of Braidwood celebrated with hundreds of quilts adorning the main street, displayed in various places, indoor exhibitions and competitions and sold at Quilt and Craft markets. A visit to this famous Quilt Event is a must. Enjoy the walk through Heritage Listed Braidwood and make sure you don't miss any of the long list of activities and things to do Braidwood offers for the whole family: visit the open gardens, get your organic garlic supply at the Garlic Fiesta, visit the Antique Car Show and Grandma's Clothesline (more quilts) at St Bede's, visit the Quilt and Crafts/Fabrics Market, many pop-up art exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops and much much more. Ask for the Town Map at the Visitors' Information Centre to help you navigate through the Townand to the many businesses and eateries that make Braidwood a unique place to visit. Up-to date details are on the Braidwood Quilters' website (including for entering quilts or booking stalls at the market). Information about Braidwood's businesses, events, places to visit, see, shop and where to stay, visit the website.
