Black Cow Bistro

70 George Street Launceston Australia


Black Cow Bistro’s transformation of old Luck’s Butchery continues to honour it’s origins showcasing grass fed, free range, hormone free, dry aged, premium Tasmanian beef. Legislation in Tasmania against the use of hormone growth promotants and antibiotics in red meat production combined with Tasmanian graziers’ focus on free-range grass fed cattle produces happy animals and superior quality meat. A flexible pricing structure and side dishes designed around fresh, local produce allow guests to create the dining experience they desire. Also sporting a well-priced wine list with a heavy emphasis on local Tasmanian wines with some full-bodied reds thrown in for good measure. An energetic atmosphere and friendly professional service completes the Black Cow offering. Open 7 nights a week from 5:30pm to late, reservations are essential, bookings can be made on our website. Black Cow, the name, is a tribute to the Bos Genus… Historically the cow has been important to many cultures. It has been seen and worshipped as a symbol of contentedness, fecundity, the passive yet creative and generative powers of nature, patience, nourishment, abundance, fertility and equifinality. It is also, of course, an excellent source of protein.