Benalla Wall to Wall Street Art

101 Bridge Street East Benalla Australia



Planning for Wall to Wall Festival 2018 is under way and looks to be another incredible event. Wall to Wall Festival 2017 was another great success, the Benalla Street Art Committee Inc continue to surprise and delight locals and visitors alike. Juddy Roller were engaged to direct aspects of the Festival, also Zest Events with great 3D art. Funding for Wall to Wall 2017 was provided by Benalla Rural City Council, Creative Arts Victoria and the local Benalla community and businesses. Benalla Street Art Committee Inc is a small group of like-minded art loving locals from Benalla, a small rural city of 14,000 located two hours north of Melbourne on the Broken River in the High Country of North East Victoria. Established in 2015 with a vision to bring street artists from around the world to paint murals on bare walls, some over three stories high, over a weekend in March. Victoria's first regional urban contemporary street art festival called Wall to Wall was born. The event was funded through canvassing local residents and local business who donated over $20,000. The generosity and vision of the locals paid off.
